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:: Regional Power-Aware Routing for Partially-Connected 3D Network-on-Chip ::
 | Post date: 2023/12/18 | 

Regional Power-Aware Routing for Partially-Connected 3D Network-on-Chip

M. Moalemnia
School of Electrical Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology
Tehran, Iran
Hadi Shahriar Shahhoseini
School of Electrical Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology
Tehran, Iran

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Network-on-chip provides an efficient communication platform for Systems-on-chip. The static power consumption is an important issue in these networks. Switching the power supply on virtual channels during idle time is a common method for reducing the network power consumption. The traffic load at the network level and non-continuous idle period of virtual channel have caused the sources to be switched on and off continuously, which leads to increase in power consumption and other overheads. This will be more important, in partially connected 3D chip networks in which a limited number of vertical connections has been used. In this paper, a routing algorithm is proposed who employs an appropriate policy for packet distribution, and reduces the load distribution in the network and creates a continuous idle time for the resources, result in suitable power management in the network. In this routing scheme the network is divided to north and south region and some restriction applied in usage of elevators in each region and try to increase the utilization of the used resources as well as the ideal time of low traffic paths. The simulation results, derived by BookSim, show the proposed method improve the network power consumption by 18% to 30% comparing previous algorithms, and the network delay has been reduced by 32%.

Keywords:     Network-on-chip; Routing algorithm; Energy management; Performance evaluation

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Cite this paper as:
M. Moalemnia and H.S. Shahhoseini, 2023. Regional Power-Aware Routing for Partially-Connected 3D Network-on-Chip. Nashriyyah-i Muhandisi-i Barq va Muhandisi-i Kampyutar-i Iran, 101(1), p.13
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